Andrew Marvell - Studentville

Andrew Marvell

vita e opere di Marvell in inglese con traduzione

Abstract – scaricare il file per l'appunto completo Andrew Marvell was born in 1621 near Hull, fourth child of the rector
of the parish. He was a clever  and studious boy and did well both at grammar school and at Trinity College, Cambridge. He left the university with the reputation of a scholar and spent the next four years travelling and becoming an able linguist. In 1650 he was app o inted  tu to r to  Lord Fairfax ’s dau ghte r and  spe nt the  two fo llowing years in the country. It was in these years that he wrote Upon Appleton House and The Garden, and probably most of his wellknown lyrics. In 1657 he was made Latin Secretary for the Puritan Commonwealth, succeeding John Milton. From the time of his leaving – segue nel file da scaricare

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