I trionfi dei romani - Studentville

I trionfi dei romani

Alter Lucullus Mithridatem persecutus est; repetens hostem fugatum, etiam regnum Tigranis, qui Armeniis imperabat, ingressus est. Alter Lucullus, qui Macedoniam administrabat, Bessis primus Romanorum gessit bellum atque eos ingenti proelio in Haemo monte superavit. Oppidum Uscudamam, quod Bessi habitabant, eodem die, quo adgressus est, vicit, Babylem cepit, usque ad Danubium penetravit. Inde multas supra Pontum positas civitates adgressus est. Illic Apolloniam evertit, Callatim, Parthenopolim, Tomos, Histrum cepit belloque confecto Romam revertit. Ambo tamen triumphaverunt: Lucullus, qui contra Mithridatem pugnaverat, maiore gloria, quoniam tantorum regnorum victor reverterat. Confecto bello Macedonico, manente Mithridatico, quod recedente Lucullo rex collectis auxiliis reparaverat, bellum Creticum ortum est. Ad id missus, Q. Caecilius Metellus ingentibus proeliis intra triennium omnem provinciam cepit apellatusque est Creticus atque ex insula triumphavit.

Versione tradotta

Disponibile solo in Inglese:

The other Lucullus, who had the management of affairs in Macedonia, was the first of the Romans that made war upon the Bessi, defeating them in a great battle on Mount Haemus; he reduced the town of Uscudama, which the Bessi inhabited, on the same day in which he attacked it; he also took Cabyle, and penetrated as far as the river Danube. He then besieged several cities lying above Pontus, where he destroyed Apollonia, Calatis, Parthenopolis, Tomi, Histros, and Burziaone,2 and, putting an end to the war, returned to Rome. Both the Luculli however triumphed, but the Lucullus, who had fought against Mithridates, with the greater glory, because he had returned victorious over such powerful nations.
11 After the Macedonian war was ended, but while that with Mithridates still continued (which, on the departure of Lucullus, that king had renewed, collecting all his forces for the purpose), the Cretan war arose, and Caecilius Metellus being sent to conduct it, secured the whole province, by a succession of great battles, within three years, and received the appellation of Creticus, and a triumph on account of the island.

  • Letteratura Latina
  • Breviarium ab Urbe condita di Eutropio
  • Eutropio

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