Lettera in inglese ad un amico di penna - Studentville

Lettera in inglese ad un amico di penna

Lettera in inglese ad un amico di penna per la prova di inglese degli esami di terza media.
Lettera in inglese ad un amico di penna per la prova di inglese degli esami di terza media.

Anna Solieri
Montepaone Lido 88060 
(Cz) – Italy
July 5th, 2014

William Coleridge
85 Hope Road

Dear William, 
my name is Anna, I’m fourteen years old and I live with my parents and my brother in Montepaone Lido, a small town in South Italy. I’m glad to start this pen friendship with you, because it’s interesting to know new people; it will be funny to compare our different cultures and so I can also improve my English!  The place where I live is near the sea, in fact , in Summer there are a lot of people coming here for it, and the atmosphere all around is happy; there are many parties and concerts, especially Tarantella Music , which is the popular folk- music of South. I spend the most of my time with my friends; they are very funny, especially Elena, my best friend. We grew up together, so she is very important to me. I love cats and in my free-time I like very much swimming, playing volleyball and listen to the music; I go three times a week to the swimming pool with my brother, Marco, and twice to play volleyball with Elena. My brother is older than me, he is eighteen years old; sometimes I go to see him playing football. And what about you? Do you have some hobby? Do you spend your free time with friends? Do you play football or other sports? Do you have any brother or sister? I’m sure that you have funny friends too and I hope you will tell me stories about them! I’m very curious about your city too. I know little about London, but it seems very interesting to me and I’d like very much to visit it! Have you ever been in Italy?                                                                                                                 
Please write me soon.


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