Lettera ai cugini: esempio inglese e traduzione - Studentville

Lettera in inglese ai cugini

Lettera in inglese ai cugini, per la prova di inglese agli esami di terza media.
Lettera in inglese ai cugini, per la prova di inglese agli esami di terza media.

Monica Rossi
Via san Giovanni Bosco
88068 Soverato

James Rossi
Abbey Road London

Dear James,
Hello!!how are you, cousin? How is Sara? What’s new in London? I hope you’re fine and your parents too. Everyone here miss you and send you a lot of kisses. I’m fine, the school is over and my holidays are  finally begun! My sister is 16 years old now and so I go often to dance with her and her friends. Did you finish the school? It’s been a long time since we met, so I’ d like you to come to visit us. I hope you’re not busy for the next month, it would be great if you will come here in Italy; we could stay here in Calabria for a couple of week and, then, we can go together to visit other beautiful cities. It would be funny to go visiting Florence, Milan or Venice.. I have some friend there and we could make amazing tours with them : museums, monuments, but also parks, music and parties! I really hope you will accept this invitation, it would be beautiful to make trips and to spend a lot of time together. Please write me soon.

With love,


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