Lettera in inglese ai genitori - Studentville

Lettera in inglese ai genitori

Lettera in inglese ai genitori, per la prova di inglese degli esami di terza media.
Lettera in inglese ai genitori, per la prova di inglese degli esami di terza media.

Elizabeth Waters 
4 Richmond Mews, Dean Street
London, W1D 3DH

May 13th, 2014
Waters Family
4 Richmond Mews, Dean Street
London, W1D 3DH

Dear Mum, dear Dad
I’m fine and I’m having fun in this school trip in Rome. Now I’m in the beautiful park called Villa Borghese and so I found this moment to write to you before we leave for another tour! Yesterday we changed hotel because of a reservation problem with the first one. I think that it has been a lucky problem after all, because this hotel is better than the other; there is a beautiful, large terrace where we had breakfast today morning! In the evening we go visiting museums, churches and monuments. The weather is nice and we walk very much, but the city is amazing and the guide says that this is the better way to discover Rome: walking and looking around! Tomorrow we’ll visit the Coliseum; I’m very excited, I’ve read so many articles and saw documentaries about this monument..can’t wait for tomorrow! (I will take many pictures for you, Dad, don’t worry!) The Italian food is also good, even if I hate artichokes and they are used to put them almost everywhere, but the pasta leaves without words and it could be the better thing that will be remembered by many of us! I’m sad that this trip will last only two other days, but I miss you and my sweety cat so much and I’m glad to hug you again! What about home? What’s happening there without me? 
See you next week.

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