Virginia Woolf - Studentville

Virginia Woolf

vita e opere di Virginia Woolf in inglese con traduzione

Abstract – scaricare il file per l'appunto completo Virginia Woolf was born in London in 1882. Her father was the literary critic Leslie Stephen and her mother came from an aristocratic background. Undoubtedly, this highly intellectual family environment had a great influence on her approach to writing and to art in general. Her father’s friends were some of the most important 19th-century writers – such as Thomas Hardy and Henry James – and apart from a few courses at King’s College, London, her education came from private Greek lessons and, above all, access from her father’s library, where she read whatever she liked. The house and the sea remained central to her art, figuring not only in the setting of her two novel Jacob’s Room (1922) and To the Lighthouse (1927) but also in the rhythm of The Waves (1931). The variety of her experience found her synthesis in the symbols of water, sea and waves. For Virginia, water represented, on the one hand, what is smooth-flowing, – segue nel file da scaricare

  • Letteratura Inglese

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